19 junio 2008


Focusing properly or pose a problem in the sense accurately adjust to the object, its unknowns and requirements, is more than halfway to achieving its resolution.The crossroads at which our society operates at the present stage requires precisely such an exercise of “focus the problem.” The data that we receive every day through the actions of the French and Spanish states regarding our people are not exactly prone to security, in the present or in the immediate future status of a firm with the free and full development of his personality at all levels: social, linguistic, cultural, economic.

Rather, they are foreign interests who set the roadmaps our company Cracked territorial administrative and politically, is bound to follow. Not raising, at this time, matters relating to the transportation or infrastructure such as airports, railways, roads and ports. Neither the linguistic and cultural, or social welfare in general as health, education and housing, or those affecting sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and industry. Less even those related to what is known, so small and superficial, as “political” (political parties, electoral campaigns, coalitions …)

I am going to focus on two issues that relate directly to the heart of any society claiming to be democratic. The first relates to freedom of expression and association. The second, that scourge of humanity that is torture.

The infamous macroproceso 18/98 has left the air vergüenzas the prevailing political regime in Spain. Well, almost everything has been said and written about the proceedings: lack of evidence, allegations generic complaints about arbitrary and sophistry that involves the entire match judicially, by coincidence the end (politicians), who carry out terrorist attacks and those without make and serve exclusively as a means of social mobilization, civil disobedience or insubordination. I will not repeat arguments; try to draw conclusions.

Recent episodes of torture and the nerve and chulería expressed by the political leaders of the security forces of the Spanish state that incurring consciously assume the clear contradictions and ratify show so even more naked the true face of its political regime.

The analysis of both realities we must lead to “focus the problem.” This is not “excesses” of the judiciary, in the first instance, or the executive, in the second. Rather, the raw expression of his comprehensive “non-democracy.” They are not “democratic deficits” are his total absence. And this is a fundamentally political issue.

Faced with this situation we should once and for all take on the need for separate us from the body decomposing which is the Spanish State, rebuild the unity of our society, take our ability as a political subject and ask, in all seriousness and with all the consequences , as a strategic objective access to the status of independent state, in Europe and throughout the world.

The characteristics of our society, especially its national consciousness distinct from Spain and France, allow us to define the project realistic this goal in a period not too long. Our political culture, heritage of the only independent state created by the Basques, Navarre, alive despite centuries of imposition and domination, is a first order for its achievement.

Some propose alternative, in theory also democratic, which would be the “conversion” of Spain, ie the State Spanish, French and of course, in a democracy as a confederal state with acceptance of the right to secede, with unequivocal recognition of the rights of expression and association, harassment, and criminal sanctions total eradication of torture. Personally I consider this option clearly unworkable. Our overwhelming minority population and the deep nationalism that permeates to the bone Spanish society make it more utopian and unrealistic policy to the achievement of our independence, in spite of relying on the Catalans as allies in this process. In any case, it is also possible, and desirable, coordinating efforts with them for emancipating our simultaneous release.

Moreover, claims partial, limited objectives, such as the “amnesty”, “stop the torture,” the “recognition” of political parties “outlawed” by the more than illegitimate regime that governs the state today Spanish, are ways to raise our conflicts, in my opinion, can only regain its profound sense of democracy through the realization of independent statehood itself as an immediate objective.

I think “focus the problem” is to give its political dimension in the international arena and raise our independence as a democratic achievement of the first order. Possibly the only one capable of ensuring our creative continuity and solidarity in the world. I think, also, to be radically political means to achieve it. Obviously, this battle should be resolved in a field unmarked by the interests of the states that we now control with all its legislation (laws parties or electoral systems, “for example), arbitrary regulation of rights, their systems educational and propaganda and its executive, but for the profound relationship of social forces. Of course, this strategy may be used also means that grants its own system, but is always aware of its limitations and the purposes for which they were created.

I believe that the longer the delay the debate and practice necessary for the achievement of the Republic of Navarre will be our most serious problems. And that democracy will be further away from Europe, including, of course, France and Spain.


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